Toxic Plastic Breakdown – Panel and Briefing Package Release

This is a recording of an internal network event where a briefing package was released by Network Fellow , Toxic Plastic Breakdown – Panel and Briefing Package Release.

The briefing document provides background on the issue and strategic insight into the interventions available to protect our communities

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Toxic Plastic Breakdown cover image

Get a tour through the briefing site and highlights of the facts, fiction and fights from a panel of people immersed in stopping toxic plastic breakdown.

  • Jess Conard, Appalachia Director, Beyond Plastics
  • Josephine Gingerich, Appalachia Regional Organizer, Climate Reality Project
  • Graham Hamilton, US & Canada Regional Policy Officer, Break Free From Plastic
  • Jessica Roff, US & Canada Regional Plastics & Petrochemicals Program Manager, GAIA
  • Renee Sharp, Director, Plastics and Petrochemical Advocacy, NRDC
  • Veena Singla, Fellow with Halt the Harm and Adjunct Assistant Professor at Columbia University
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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.