Fracking Chemicals Near You:
OpenFF Consultations
Sign up for a 1-on-1 consultation to learn what chemicals are being used in fracking operations near you.
Identify Fracking Chemicals
Are you worried about the potentially harmful chemicals fracking companies are using in wells near your community?
The industry has worked hard to make this information inaccessible to those in the harm's way of fracking.
Fortunately, Gary Allison and Vivian Underhill have been working to make data on fracking chemicals accessible to those who need it the most. They use the OpenFF tool, which makes industry disclosures in the FracFocus dataset more user-friendly and resolves common errors and absences. Using this tool, they can help you identify the chemicals used in fracking operations in your community.
Gary and Vivian are holding a limited number of consultations each month with individuals or groups looking to learn about the chemical disclosures in specific areas.
If you’re interested in learning more about the chemicals used in fracking wells near you, sign up for a 1-on-1 session with Gary and Vivian using this form.
Sign up for an OpenFF Consultation now!
We’re only holding 3 sessions per month, so please reserve your spot before they fill up.
Who this is for:
Residents, organizers, advocates, and anyone concerned about the impacts of fracking chemicals
How can the data be used:
- Educating public officials at the city, country, and state levels by providing information on the chemicals used and helping them connect those chemicals to potential health impacts. You can use tools like the EPA’s EJ Screen to help do this.
- Educating yourself or your neighbors who live near a fracked well or oil field, understanding what chemicals might have been used near you
What you’ll get out of the session:
Using OpenFF data, we'll provide a list of the chemicals used in fracking wells in a specific geographic area based on the industry’s chemical disclosures since 2011. The data set that we’re working with is limited to the chemicals used in fracking processes, which doesn’t include injection wells or other infrastructure.
Data limitations:
- The OpenFF dataset provides a list of chemicals for fracking events only (not other well stimulation activities like acidizing or more routine oil and gas development)
- The OpenFF dataset starts in 2011 and the data is more reliable from 2014 onward
- OpenFF relies on industry data and its accuracy is based on the industry’s self reporting. The data can also change sometimes - companies are able to retrospectively change data without flagging those changes
- The data is not comprehensive - A number of wells aren’t covered. To see what wells in your area are also in the Open-FF data, go to the State page of the Data Browser, navigate to your county and use the map to see what’s in your area.
Sound like a good fit for you or your organization? Sign up for one of the monthly sessions using this form.
Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.