Thank You 2020 Community Sentinels!


Scroll down (or click here) to leave your thank you message.

The recipients of the FracTracker 2020 Community Sentinel Awards are Edith Abeyta, Yvette Arellano, Theresa Landrum, and Brenda Jo “BJ” McManama

On this page, you can learn about their efforts and join others in congratulating them on their hard work protecting their communities from the harms of the oil and gas industry.

Click any of the recipient names below to read their bios.

Sign The Thankyou Card!

Your responses to each of the four community advocates are being compiled and will then be sent as a collective and resounding thank you from supporters everywhere.

Thank you for participating!

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2020 FracTracker Alliance Community Sentinel Awards

This event is now in its sixth year of honoring environmental heroes who are working to protect their communities from the harms of the oil and gas industry – from fracking wells, to pipelines, to export terminals.

Visit for more information about the award and the work they're doing .


Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.