Colorado’s Oil & Gas Wars – Film Discussion

The panel discussion about Fracking the System: Colorado’s Oil & Gas Wars is now available in Halt the Harm Network.

What a powerful film! Everyone who attended received a special link to watch the film before it’s officially released. While the full film isn’t available to watch publicly – it should premiere sometime in the fall.

The film told the recent history of communities in Colorado fighting back against the harms of the oil & gas industry. We saw firsthand the sordid history of the industry’s efforts to disrupt the movement and control local and state politics, and how activists fought to overcome it.

Here the view the thought-provoking discussion with the filmmakers, Brian Hedden and Jessica Daugherty, and activist Patricia Garcia-Nelson, which took place after the screening.

CleanShot 2023 07 08 at 07.34.45@2x

Brian, Jessica, and Patricia answered questions from Halt the Harm members about the harrowing story behind the documentary, what’s happened since the events of the film, and the state of the movement to halt the harms of oil & gas in Colorado.

It was an excellent education on how groups in Colorado have navigated an adverse political climate in recent years.

💬 You can also see how people reacted to the film and add your own reactions and comments on our network discussion of the film here.

You can follow the film and their crowdfunding efforts here:

📣 Please consider sharing the links below with five people you know!

Crowdfunding site for the film:

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.