This is a recording of an internal network event where a briefing package was released by Network Fellow , Toxic Plastic Breakdown – Panel and Briefing Package Release. The briefing…
Read MoreDid you know that most major polluting petrochemical facilities are required to obtain Title V permits under the federal Clean Air Act? These permits are crucial to detecting violations and…
Read MoreIn this recording draws together pieces from the field of climate communication and her own research on industry communications to present a framework to counteract the industry’s exaggerated claims about…
Read MoreThis is presentation was tailored for leaders in the lives session, followed by Q&A. See the following Toolkit overview to see the notes on interventions and campaign examples. → Login…
Read MoreTo make change it’s not enough to just raise the alarm – we also need to mobilize action. In this short presentation by Carina Barnett-Loro from Climate Advocacy Lab, we…
Read MoreOil production is expanding faster in New Mexico than anywhere else in the U.S., and the NM Permian Basin is at the heart of that toxic growth. Oil & gas activities in the state are having major health and environmental impacts on residents in the Permian Basin and are a major threat to the planet through their climate impacts.
Read MorePhysicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) has released a new report exposing the use of highly toxic PFAS, or “forever chemicals” to frack horizontal gas wells in West Virginia. The report also highlights the use of nearly 70 million pounds of trade secret chemicals in these wells, creating the possibility of even greater PFAS contamination.
Read MoreThe local group “Save the Aurora Reservoir” (STAR) joined Halt the Harm to discuss their efforts to stop the drilling of over 160 fracking wells east of Denver. STAR has…
Read MoreYesterday we hosted an event with 273 registrants from many different time zones attended to kickoff the “Say This Not That” series of events and discussions on messaging. The replay…
Read MoreGrassroots groups in Colorado have launched a campaign to phase out fracking using a statewide ballot initiative. The campaign builds on long-term efforts to overcome government and industry opposition to implementing protections for the health of front line residents and the state’s land, air, and water.
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