Did you know you could call us?

This is just a friendly reminder that we are here for you.

Many of you already take us up on that offer by regularly calling on our Network Operations Team – by phoning Prarthana (202-770-0795) or emailing her at prarthana@halttheharm.net.

That’s fantastic and please keep reaching out whenever you want to talk through an idea or need support on something like a campaign.

But we are expanding!

To better serve you all, we are going to launch a regular “Fridays with Prarthana” open office hours-type event.

For the next four weeks, you’ll be able to call in by telephone or through your computer, and get some face time to talk through any questions or concerns you might have, brainstorm a campaign, or ask for help on how to use some of Halt the Harm’s tools for your work.

The content of the conversation will be completely up to you.

Check out the schedule here and jump on the line as many times as you like.

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.