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Leaders Share Insights from Petroleum-238 : Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It

September 12 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT

HHN Leader Reportback Petroleum-238 Network Book Read

This past summer a group of network leaders from across the United States read and discussed Petroleum-238 by Justin Nobel. In this final meetup we’ll share reflections and insight with the larger network, and you’re invited!

⭐️ This event is not just for book club participants. 

If you’ve read the book, please join us and share your reflection of the book. Your perspective is valuable, and it could also help more people learn about the book and take the time to read it. 

🔴 Sharing with Justin Nobel

We’d like to record and compile these reflections for Justin Nobel. 🙂 He’ll be at the event too, and we’ll have a chance to hear his reaction. 

One theme about this book surfaces again and again – it’s more than an investigation into the industry – The stories in the book, along with the detailed research and citations make this book into a toolkit.

Let’s help get this book into the hands of leaders, educators, policy makers, anyone who needs to understand and take action to stop oil & gas industry pollution. 

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.