What’s new with the network this quarter? Here’s a Q3 Update!

What’s new across the network this quarter?

Screen Shot 2017 10 09 at 12.27.18 PMSummer’s gone already? It’s time for the third quarter update! It was fantastic to support some great campaign wins and lots of leader activity this quarter in the network.

Here’s the dashboard of our progress toward the network’s 2017 goals so far.

Here are some highlights from the second quarter.

  • Events, events and more events – The network supported a record number of 13 different events this quarter – through a mix of online promotion support, one-on-one event brainstorming and planning support, to sending out e-blasts for leaders. The events ranged from an air quality training in local PA for those looking to learn how to monitor their environment to an event hosted by EHP on “reframing fracking” and how to persuade your community on the topic of fracking (just to name a few).
  • Local Texas campaign win! – A wonderful update to the continued campaign from last quarter, Leader Ranjana Bhandari and Liveable Arlington  team successfully organized prevent an injection well from being built next to Lake Arlington, Texas.  The petition campaign was able to raise almost 3,000 people to provide signatures and has provided many new opportunities for Liveable Arlington to expand their work and fundraising into other campaigns in keeping Arlington safe and healthy.
  • National Campaign to CDC – HHN supported SWPA-EHP’s campaign #standupforscience to tell the CDC we need science that studies the health impacts of fracking and we need a National Fracking Health Risk Registry. Before HHN people jumped on board the campaign, it had about 100 signatures, and after pushing it out to the 13,000 people part of HHN to support leader work, the petition effort grew a sizeable amount  to 700+ signatures in the following week. On August 21, EHP sent the letter with the petition signatures to the CDC, which had grown to over 1,280 signatures, representing 43 states and 6 countries outside of the U.S.
  • Network Mobilization Phase – The network operations team began planning the mobilization phase to transition the network to be independent from Netcentric Campaigns (governance and management and ultimately for fiscal independence). This phase can last between one to three years. The team began to create documentation of current activities and work, and towards a plan of making the website into a “self-help” center. We also began the transition of the webinar service to leader management, as we trained Ryan Clover-Owens to take over that service.

These posts are part of our ongoing efforts to continue to provide feedback and transparency into the work of Halt The Harm Network. We hope you can find ways to use this feedback to find new services, connect with other leaders in the network, or find ways to work with us to meet the goals.

As always, if you have questions or want more information, reach out at info@halttheharm.net.  If you are interested in this help or getting involved with any of these specific efforts follow the links below.

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.