
afif ramdhasuma RjqCk9MqhNg unsplash

Leadership and Activism Skill Building Summit : Your Input Needed

May 9, 2024

Does this sound familiar to you? “Activist? I’m just a parent protecting my kids…” (Gillian, sharing her reaction to the industry’s accusations towards her work against fracking). Many of us…

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Feb Newsletter

February 2024 – Halt the Harm Newsletter (Issue #18)

February 28, 2024

Let’s give a big welcome to the 186 people have joined Halt the Harm’s private online network in the last month!

You may have seen the introductions coming through. You can catch up and leave comments to welcome people in the ​👋 Say Hi​ area.

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7 highlights from 2023 that show the power of networks

December 21, 2023

In 2023, the network grew even stronger as leaders found new ways to collaborate on campaigns and share resources to protect our communities from oil & gas. Here are just…

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“Say This, Not That” Kickoff Event: Countering Oil & Gas Misinformation

December 15, 2023

Yesterday we hosted an event with 273 registrants from many different time zones attended to kickoff the “Say This Not That” series of events and discussions on messaging. The replay…

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The Fight to End New Fracking Permits in Colorado Edit

The Fight to End New Fracking Permits in Colorado

November 28, 2023

Grassroots groups in Colorado have launched a campaign to phase out fracking using a statewide ballot initiative. The campaign builds on long-term efforts to overcome government and industry opposition to implementing protections for the health of front line residents and the state’s land, air, and water.

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Twitter Award Announcement CSA 2023

And the 2023 Sentinel Award Winners Are…

October 20, 2023

We are thrilled to announce this year’s recipients of the Community Sentinel Award for Environmental Stewardship! 🥁 Drum roll please… Through dedicated organizing, legal advocacy, storytelling, and more, each of…

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CSA 2023 Square PNG

You’re Invited to the 2023 Community Sentinel Awards

October 18, 2023

It’s here! The 2023 Community Sentinel Awards for Environmental Stewardship are happening on November 9th, at 7:00pm ET, hosted by FracTracker Alliance and Halt the Harm Network. We invite you…

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The Fight to Stop the Encina “Advanced Recycling” Plant on the Susquehanna River

October 9, 2023

Sandy Field, Save Our Susquehanna, outlines the threat posed by the Encina “Advanced Recycling” Plant to the community and watershed around the Susquehanna River in Point township, Northumberland County, PA.…

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Chemical Recycling Luma cover V2

The Truth Behind Chemical Recycling with Veena Singla (NRDC)

October 5, 2023

In this clip, Veena Singla, Senior Scientist at NRDC, unveils the truth behind so-called “chemical recycling” and its impacts on health and the environment. Veena is the author of the…

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Chemical Recycling Luma cover V2

📹 “Chemical Recycling” Myths Debunked

October 3, 2023

You’ve probably heard about the so-called “chemical recycling” technologies that the oil & gas industry is promoting as a solution to the plastic crisis. They claim that they can suddenly…

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