πŸ—ž February 2022 – Network Newsletter

Halt the Harm Newsletter2

Welcome to the 2nd installment of our new monthly newsletter – a place to share updates, acknowledgements, and insight into what’s happening in Halt the Harm Network.

I’m especially excited about the acknowledgements included below, because it’s so important to recognize our wins and share them across the movement.

If you’re one of the many people who joined the network in the last few months I want to extend a warm welcome from all of us here working to build friends and connections in our fight against oil & gas.

To make sure you don’t miss out on these updates as these happen, visit network.halttheharm.net and join the network discussion spaces.

🚨 Network & Partner Alerts

Watershed Wednesdays – The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition has a weekly effort called Watershed Wednesdays, where you can view research and talking points focused on different parts of the DRBC draft regulations pertaining to to the import of fracking waste water, and export of water for fracking operations. What happens in the Delaware River Basin will have major effects on industry. Learn more here.

A Focus on Forever Chemicals – Interested in collaborating with others in the network to protect our health and waterways from forever chemicals from fracking? Join Tamela Trussell from Move Past Plastic in the discussion space #PFAS And Fracking.

Public Lab is accepting applications (and nominations!) for a new Community Organizing Fellow (paid role). They are seeking Environmental Justice Community Organizers who are interested in working on, or starting, their own environmental monitoring projects. This role is financially supported at $10,000 for 10 months part-time work on the project. The fellowship also includes bringing on a support team of up to 3 three other paid fellows to work on the project in collaboration. Learn more here.

PSR PA is hosting the webinar Waste Coal and Cryptocurrency in Pennsylvania on February 11, at 1 PM Eastern to address how the health of Pennsylvanians is being impacted as companies burn massive amounts of waste coal to power bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and how ratepayers are handing them huge subsidies to do so. Learn more and register.​

Arm in Arm’s National Assembly will take place February 18 – 20 in Birmingham, AL. Come and get trained on how to lend your voice and presence to your community to ignite a transformational era that ends the climate crisis centering racial and economic justice. Learn more and register.​

πŸ“† Upcoming Events

Waste Coal and Cryptocurrency in Pennsylvania

The creation and use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies requires huge amounts of electricity to run hundreds of thousands of special-purpose computers around the world. This webinar will address how the health of Pennsylvanians is being impacted as companies burn massive amounts of waste coal to power these operations and ratepayers are handing them huge subsidies to do so. β†’ Register here​

Network Orientation, 3/3

2022 is beginning many exciting changes for HHN. Come learn how to make the most of the platform, event series, leader directory, campaign kits, and accelerator programs. Everyone is welcome! And if you’re already a network member you can jump in to help welcome new people to the network and share what you’re working on. β†’ Register here​

Fossil Fuel Companies’ Increasing Use of Trade Agreements to Attack Climate Initiatives – and How We Stop Them, 3/11

In late November, the company TC Energy proceeded with the next stage of its suit against the United States under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) challenging the Biden administration’s decision to stop the Keystone XL pipeline. The company is demanding $15 billion in compensation for their β€œlost expectation of profits.” This is just one of dozens of similar trade suits designed to challenge and undermine climate policies around the world. β†’ Register here​

​Climate Change and Health: Indicators and Pathways, 4/15

An online conference hosted by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and Halt the Harm Network focusing on mental health and wellbeing, climate migration and populations of concern, and social and health inequities. ​This virtual event is open to health professionals and the general public. β†’ Register here​

✨ January Highlights

πŸ“Ή Event Replays available!

Our network leaders hit the ground running in January 2022, hosting several events. Here are links to all the recordings available;

If you ever miss an event, visit the Events and/or Recordings space in the network to get more details about an event and view any posted replays.

πŸŽ‰ Celebrate the activism of network members:

Network member Christine β€œPK” DiGiulio for taking a stand and putting her body on the line, along with Connor Orion Tripp Young, to halt construction on Sunoco/Energy Transfer’s Mariner East Pipelines at the Upper Uwchlan region’s water reservoir. Read more about their efforts here.

πŸ—£ Liveable Arlington for defeating French energy giant Total TWICE on the same permit to drill new gas wells next to a preschool in Arlington, TX. Read more about their win here.

πŸ—£ The 8,692 people in the network who wrote to the EPA telling them to create stronger safeguards to cut methane and other harmful pollutants from oil and gas operations. They joined over 500,000 comments submitted nationwide on the EPA Methane Rule.

πŸ—£ Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition and everyone who made their voices heard regarding proposed regulations on the importation/exportation of water within the Delaware River Basin. Your collective efforts to get more comment opportunities for people prompted the Delaware River Basin Commission to add a 5th virtual public hearing, which took place on February 3rd.

If you’d like to give someone a shoutout, please share in the network Conversations Space. There are so many people doing important, thankless work, let’s all spread the word about our wins!

πŸ’­ Final Thoughts

Send us any upcoming events for your organization that you would like posted on the network Events Calendar and in our Weekly Movement Updates Broadcast.

Have you checked out the updated network yet? If you haven’t or if you’re not a member of HHN yet, then sign up so you don’t miss out on all the great things happening in the network.

We’ll see you on the network. Stay warm!

Ryan Clover
Halt the Harm Network



Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.