A Z Impacts of Plastic on Environment with Wilma Subra and Justin Nobel

Meet Justin Nobel, one of the guest speakers for Tuesday’s Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastic Webinar.

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Justin Nobel writes on issues of science and the environment for Rolling Stone, Audubon, Oxford American, DeSmog, and other US magazines, investigative sites and literary journals.

His work has been published in Best American Travel Writing 2011, and 2016, and Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014. A book he co-wrote with a death row exonoree, “The Story of Dan Bright,” was published in 2016 by University of New Orleans Press.

He is presently working on a book about the issue of the radioactivity brought to the surface in oil and gas production and the many different pathways of contamination posed to the industry’s workers, the public and communities, and the environment to be published with Simon & Schuster and tentatively titled, “Petroleum 238 – Big Oil’s Dangerous Secret and the Grassroots Fight to Stop It.”

His work on this issue is supported by the journalism nonprofit Economic Hardship Reporting Project.

Meet Wilma Subra, President, Subra Company and one of the speakers in next week’s Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastics Event.

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Wilma Subra is president of Subra Company and provided technical assistance to citizens, across the United States and some foreign countries, concerned with their environment and human health by combining technical research and evaluation. She has a BS and MS in Microbiology and Chemistry from the University of Southwestern Louisiana (University of Louisiana at Lafayette). She has over 48 years of experience in sampling and chemical and microbiologic analysis of ground water, surface water resources, air and waste, monitoring the environmental impacts of oil and gas drilling and production activities, oil and gas waste treatment and disposal practices and associated human health impacts.

Ms. Subra’s current work is focused on the environmental impacts of various aspects of shale development, the human health impacts associated with various specific units and activities of shale development, the development of appropriate parameters for monitoring ground water and surface water resources to detect impacts of shale development, and the development of guidelines for the regulation of state programs dealing with shale development through the STRONGER process.

She has completed a seven year term as Vice-Chair of the Environmental Protection Agency National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT), a five year term on the National Advisory Committee of the U. S. Representative to the Commission for Environmental Cooperation and a six year term on the EPA National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) where she served as a member of the Cumulative Risk and Impacts Working Group of the NEJAC Council, and chaired the NEJAC Gulf Coast Hurricanes Work Group.

In 2011, she chaired the Environmental Protection Agency Technical Workshop for the Hydraulic Fracturing Study on Chemical and Analytical Methods. She participated in the EPA Shale Technical Roundtables on Water Acquisition, Chemical Mixing, and Well Injection in November 2012. She co-chaired the EPA Shale Analytical Chemical Methods Workshop in February 2013. She currently serves as chair of the STRONGER Air Guidelines Work Group.

She received the MacArthur Fellowship “Genius” Award from the MacArthur Foundation in 1999 for helping ordinary citizens understand, cope with and combat environmental issues in their communities. She also received the 2011 Domestic Human Rights Award from the Global Exchange for her dedication to human rights issues.

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.