Be informed, prepared, and involved when industry is your neighbor!

Collecting data and documenting health and environmental violations can be daunting. You may feel discouraged and simply give in to the industry’s narrative that there is nothing citizens can do to stop it. But that’s not true. You have rights, and you can document violations of your rights and report them in an effective manner.

Knowing how to properly document health and environmental violations and report them to the proper authorities gives you a leading edge in protecting yourself from the industry.

The law has laid out a series of steps you need to take in order to gather sufficient documentation.

These steps can seem complicated at first, but this webinar gives you a simple process of documentation that you can replicate across your communities. Health data is a tool to defend your rights in ways that authorities will understand and respond to.

After attending this webinar you’ll be able to collect data and documentation for health and environmental violations and report these violations to the authorities in an effective manner – a way that cannot be ignored or disregarded in any way.

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.