The Truth Behind Chemical Recycling with Veena Singla (NRDC)

In this clip, Veena Singla, Senior Scientist at NRDC, unveils the truth behind so-called “chemical recycling” and its impacts on health and the environment.

Veena is the author of the report “Recycling Lies: ‘Chemical Recycling’ of Plastic is Just Greenwashing Incineration.”

This clip is from the Halt the Harm webinar, “Chemical Recycling Myths Debunked”

Join Halt the Harm to watch the replay on the network

🔗 See Veena’s presentation slides

Key Points:

  • There is a lack of transparency about so-called “chemical recycling” technologies
  • All of these chemical recycling technologies are generating air pollution
  • All of these technologies do at least one of the following:
    • Use hazardous chemicals in their processes
    • Produce hazardous chemicals, potentially including chemicals like cancer-causing Benzene and pollutants that are toxic to the reproductive system and toxic to the developing fetus
    • Generate hazardous waste – as much as 2200 pounds or more per month that can include heavy metals like cadmium and chromium
  • Technical processes like pyrolysis and gasification can be used to turn plastic into fuels that will be burned, which is not recycling and does not produce recycled plastics. They’re energy intensive and generate hazardous waste.
  • They’re generally cited in vulnerable communities.
  • Chemical recycling facilities are struggling with their processes and producing the products they promise – they are not operating at scale.

📹 Recording for “Chemical Recycling Myths Debunked”


Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.