February 2023 – Network Newsletter (Issue #11)

🎉 Let’s open by celebrating leaders and supporters who took action to demand the strongest possible methane rule from the EPA! 🎉

Over 6,000 leaders and supporters in Halt the Harm Network participated in the EPA methane rule comment period!

They joined hundreds of thousands of people supporting strong federal methane protections.

We want to especially celebrate leaders Cozetta LaMore, Heidi Leathwood, and Peggy Ann Berry for their work on motivating people to participate in the EPA comment period.

This year’s updates to the proposed methane rule would strengthen methane standards by ensuring all wells are regularly monitored for leaks, that outdated pneumatic equipment is replaced with zero-emitting options, and that abandoned wells are subject to inspections until closure.

Still, the rule doesn’t go far enough and many sent in comments demanding the rule be strengthened by eliminating routine flaring and ensuring communities and individuals have a clear pathway to participate and engage in the Super Emitter Response Program.

Learn more about the methane rules here: https://cutmethane.org

Below, you’ll find updates from leaders in the network. Post in HHN to have your updates included in weekly updates and monthly newsletter. Log in at network.halttheharm.net.

🚨 Network & Partner Alerts

The following alerts are posted in the Network Bulletin. Visit the network to add your updates.

📆 Upcoming Events

You don’t need to wait until the monthly newsletter to get upcoming events. Make sure your profile is up to date and turn on notifications in the 📆 Events Calendar.

  • February 28, Polling 101 Webinar → RSVP ​
  • March 3, Network Cafe with Sundeep Sood from HHN → RSVP​
  • March 16, Women’s Rights in Our Fight for Climate Justice, 6:30 pm, → RSVP ​
  • March 21, Breaking Down the Future of Forever Chemicals in our Water, 7 pm, Environmental Health Project → Event Recording​

đź“ą Event Recordings

Here are links to recorded media posted in the network Recordings space since October 2022.

→ See all events in the 📹 Network Recordings Space​

🧰 Recommended Resources

We’re always discovering new resources in meetings, events, or things people share in the network. Here is a compilation of some of the new things we’ve come across over the last month. If you want to share a resource, please post it in the conversations space.

  • The East Palestine train derailment is petrochemical harm at its worst. From the Ohio River Valley Institute Read More
  • Is Pipeline Safety Achievable? From Fractracker Read more
  • Compressor Stations in the Northeast: A Guide to Protecting Your Health and the Environment from Environmental Health Project Read More

đź’­ Final Thoughts

Thanks everyone for reading and for providing updates. Our focus at HHN is to create a space where we can be in touch, learn about each other’s work, and share resources that support our common goals.

Please reach out if you’d like to help us in this mission! I’d love to connect!

Ryan, AC, Kevin, Sundeep, Marty, and Krishna
Halt the Harm Network

P.S. Don’t forget to RSVP for our March Network Call. Our monthly calls bring together leaders from all over the movement to share the latest from their area, and it’s a great opportunity to get your updates in front of other leaders. We’ll share many of those updates in this Newsletter. Check out the ones from the September call below.

Make sure to sign up for the March 2, 2:00pm ET call here. 


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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.