Halt the Harm Podcast : Welcome Episode

“Hello and welcome to Halt the Harm Podcast, I’m your host Ryan Clover.

This is the introductory issue so I’m joined by two of the core organizers from Halt the Harm Network, Dawn Arteaga and Marty Kearns.

They talk about the network, and share why they are excited about this podcast collaboration. Then Sam Rubright from FracTracker

Alliance joins me to talk about their upcoming Sentinel Awards –more on that in a minute.”

The show is launching at the same time as FracTracker Alliance hosts their Community Sentinel Awards honoring three grassroots activists on the front-lines of the anti-fracking movement.

And the first three guests?


Yup, it’s the three recipients of the Sentinel Awards;

  • Alma Hasse, working to protect her community in Idaho from Oil and Gas Industry
  • Alex Lotorto, supporting frontline communities in rural Pennsylvania
  • Vera Scroggins, documenting industry abuse and educating

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play to get the first 3 episodes. You can also follow along via our Buzzsprout page.

It’s been amazing, to say the least – and the show will be announced through some pretty big channels. This is a first for Eco-Defense Radio – connecting with such a large network. I’m very excited, and honored to be part of this.

Take care! and enjoy the program.

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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.