🗞 May 2022 – Network Newsletter


May 2022

This newsletter is a compilation of updates from leaders across the country working on fracking and other oil & gas related issues.

Skim through this newsletter to see the updates – and to hear about things when they happen, visit network.halttheharm.net.

In this email

  • Network Alerts
  • Upcoming Events
  • New Media
  • Acknowledgements
  • Recommended Resources
  • Tip of the Month, Notifications
  • Welcome New Members!

🚨 Network Alerts

The following alerts were posted in the 📌 Network Bulletin Board​

New Whitepaper on PA’s Shale Boom Failure, Makenzie White

EHP has just released a new whitepaper that includes a poster, executive summary, and full report. Pennsylvania’s Shale Gas Boom: How Policy Decisions Failed to Protect Public Health and What We Can Do to Correct It → Read More from Makenzie White​

FracTracker is hiring a Program Manager and Communications Specialist, Shannon Smith

We strongly encourage people with experience living and working in Environmental Justice communities to apply. Apply today to be part of a supportive and high-functioning team that uses insights and data to empower action! → See the post by Shannon Smith here​

Climate, Plastics, & Reuse Toolkit, Marcel Howard

To learn more and help activate climate solutions through reuse in your community, check out our new Climate Toolkit, offering fact sheets, graphics, a model letter to your legislators, and join the conversation here.​

Notes from our first Monthly Network Call, Ryan Clover

Dozens of leaders attended our very first national network call last week, contributing updates, announcements, and introductions from various local fights across the United States. Here are the call notes and recording (we only record the announcement go-around)

Our monthly calls are the first Thursday of every month. The next call is June 2nd. Join the network to RSVP and participate.

Upcoming Communications Summit, Marty Kearns

Over the next couple of months we’ll be interviewing leaders and communications people – developing presentations in 2-3 tracks all focused on communications. The result will be an online summit to share the language effective leaders are using to persuade and engage new people into the movement. → Join the conversation here​

→ See all alerts in the 📌 Network Bulletin Board​

📆 Upcoming

You don’t need to wait until the monthly newsletter to get upcoming events. To subscribe to the weekly event update, click here. You can also add your event to the calendar by joining the event planners discussion in the network.

May 16th, Solutions to Colorado’s Oil and Gas Crisis, Lori Brunswig

The third event in the series focuses on solutions, bringing together leaders in Colorado to discuss effective actions, and next steps. → Click here to register​

May 16 – 19th, Oil and Gas Threat Map Events

There are multiple events being planned around the release of a new Oil & Gas Threat Map by Earthworks. Leaders in Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, and Pennsylvania are all hosting events. Visit the events calendar to find the event you want to attend and sign-up. → See O&G Threat Map Events​

May 19th, Climate Emergency Film Club, Tonyehn Verkitus

This is the opening event in a new film series hosted by Physicians for Social Responsibility. See all the details here, including the opening panel speakers and films in the series → Click here to register​

May 24th, PFAS, Pregnancy, and Public Health: Experts Weigh In, Debbie Larson

Environmental Health Project is hosting an expert presentation on the impacts of PFAS or “forever chemicals” now known to be used in fracking operations. → Register here​

May 24, Rise St. James University begins online program – Basics of Climate Change, designed to share basic information about the environment and climate change as a means to promote critical thinking. 75% of the seats are available for residents of St. John, St. James, and St. Charles Parish​

See all events in the 🗓 Network Events Calendar​

đź“ą New Media

Here are links to recorded media posted in the network Recordings space in April, 2022

→ See all events in the Network Recordings Space

🎉 Acknowledgements

Happy 7th Year Anniversary to Protect PT! by Mary Obringer

Protect PT has been working for 7 to protect their community from fracking. Together, they have established noise, air and radon monitoring programs, provided educational programs for hundreds, and advocated for the protections of our rights to safety, security, and a healthy environment. Next week they’re hosting a Grand Opening: Community Environmental Education Center in Harrison City, PA. Congrats Protect PT!

Rise St. James, P. P. P. – Perishables, Petitions, and Postcards, Travis London

This month St. James had a day of outreach P.P.P, Perishables, Petitions against South Louisiana Methanol, and Postcards to Governor John Bel Edward asking for his help with Formosa Plastics.

You can give someone a shoutout in the network Conversations Space and they will be added to the next newsletter. There are so many people doing important, thankless work; let’s all spread the word about our wins!

🧰 Recommended Resources

We’re always discovering new resources in meetings, events, or from things people share in the network. Here is a compilation of some of the new things we’ve come across over the last month. If you want to share a resource, please post in the conversations space.

  • The Power of Big Oil (part 1 – 3), PBS Frontline → Watch via PBS, Ron Gulla
  • Fracking Compendium, Physicians for Social Responsibility → Read more,
  • Hydrogen 101, Ohio River Valley Institute, → Read more​
  • Carbon Capture, Use, and Sequestration Would Decarbonize the Electric System…in the Worst Possible Way, Ohio River Valley Institute → Read More​
  • Direct Support Fund, Mountain Watershed Association (MWA), Applications are accepted each month → Read More​

📌 Tip of the Month – Managing Notifications

Here is a new tip for getting the most from the network, by Ryan Clover.

  • You can turn notifications for any discussion space or post by clicking the đź”” icon.
  • To change your email notifications from HHN, click here.

​How to Manage Your Notifications and follow conversations.

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Managing your notifications will help you get the best experience from Halt the Harm Network.

​In this video Ryan demonstrates how to manage the emails you receive, and find discussions you’re interested in following.

đź‘‹ Welcome New Members!

Finally, we want to welcome some new members! (Click on the names to join the thread welcoming the leaders to Halt the Harm )

​Bili O’Hara, Arctic researcher (paleoclimate/glacial geology). I’m down to volunteer to write grant proposals, enter data, create figures, make maps, crunch numbers & do field work.

​Jerald, Magandang umaga! I’m a climate activist from the Philippines. And I love to strengthen my network around the globe for a common goal – preserve nature for future generations.

​Melissa Ostroff, the Pennsylvania Field Advocate with Earthworks, where I use FLIR optical gas imaging to expose normally invisible oil and gas pollution in order to advance a just transition to a clean energy future!

​Silverio Caggiano, a retired Youngstown Ohio FD Battalion Chief of 39yrs. I am a HazMat/WMD Specialist and Instructor and sit on the Ohio HazMat/WMD Technical Advisory Committee.

​Marcel Howard, and I’m a Policy Analyst & Coordinator for Upstream – a national nonprofit working to solve the world’s consumption and waste problem. I currently reside in New York City (Harlem), and I lead our work on climate change and environmental justice.

​Don’t Forget to Say Hi and introduce yourself​

đź’­ Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading the Halt the Harm Newsletter! This email is a group project by members in the network who want to help the exchange of information and connections among leaders fighting the oil & gas industry.

Each month we create a shared document, and host a monthly network call to gather updates from leaders working on oil & gas issues around the country.

Share your updates in Halt the Harm Network to be included in the next edition of this monthly newsletter!

Halt the Harm Network
Raina, Ryan, Kevin, Jamala, Marty, Krishna



Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.