July 2023 – HHN Newsletter (Issue #14)

It’s here! Network updates, events, acknowledgements, and a new lineup of leader café interviews (the next event is tomorrow).

Our Network Cafes are spaces to learn about other leaders, introduce yourself, and get to know the people in the network.

Did you catch our private screening Fracking the System: Colorado’s Oil & Gas Wars? (See the replay link for the after-screening discussion below 👇).

It’s a powerful and moving film. Director Brian Hedden is working on funding its distribution. You can check out his crowd funding campaign here.

Okay, on with the newsletter!

🚨 Network & Partner Alerts

The following alerts are posted in the Network Bulletin. Visit the network to add your updates.

📆 Upcoming Events

To get upcoming events, make sure your profile is up to date and turn on notifications in the 📆 Events Calendar.

📹 Event Recordings

Here are links to the last 4 recordings available in the network

See all events in the Network Recordings Space and leader interviews in the Interviews Space

👋 Leader Profile: Meet Tamela Trussell – Founder, Move Past Plastic

Check out the replay of our recent Live Cafe Chat with Tamela here.


Tamela has been educating herself and others on the harms of plastic since 2020 full time. She’s created an incredible toolkit for organizers who wish to understand what is happening at their local level regarding environmental and how to enact change. She includes maps of waste management locations, frack wells, and waterways. She has a sample 10 minute presentation that folks can copy and give at their own local town councils to ensure water testing and proper regulations to protect drinking water from PFAS.

Tamela leads workshops to educate the public on PFAS and Artifical Turf. Check out Tamela’s organization Move Past Plastic to learn more: http://movepastplastic.com

→ Visit their profile, Tamela Trussell to see what’s new, what spaces they’re in, and to send a direct message. You can also email support@halttheharm.net to request an Introduction.

Thank you for reading!

This email is a group project by members in the network who want to help the exchange of information and connections among leaders fighting oil & gas industry.

Send us updates or upcoming events you would like posted on the network Events Calendar any time via email, or by posting in the network.

Hope to see you soon!

Ryan, AC, Kevin, Marty, and Krishna
Halt the Harm Network


Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.