Oil and Gas Threat Map Sneak Peek – North Dakota

Join the discussion in Halt the Harm Network to connect with experts and explore further information on this topic.

A new analysis cultivated by Earthworks shows 38,239 residents, including 10,660 children, reside near or attend schools or daycares within a ½ mile threat radius of active oil and gas operations in North Dakota. Join this sneak peek webinar to hear from impacted residents, experts from Earthworks who created the threat map, and ask questions.


  • Lisa DeVille is a citizen of the Mandan Hidatsa Arikara Nation. She lives on Fort Berthold Reservation with her husband, children and grandchildren. She serves on the Board of Directors for Dakota Resource Council, Western Organization of Resource Councils, and Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights which she co-founded. She has been fighting for stronger regulations around oil and gas extraction to protect her family, her community, and Mother Earth for well  more than a decade.
  • Alan Septoff  and  Josh Eisenfeld from Earthworks Action
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Halt the Harm Network is supported by Netcentric Campaigns.