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Nominate a Community Sentinel for FracTracker Alliance’s Annual Award

August 27, 2018

FracTracker Alliance created the Community Sentinel Award for Environmental Stewardship, now in its fourth year, to honor environmental heroes protecting their communities from the harms of the oil and gas industry – from fracking wells to pipelines to export terminals. And today, the nomination period has officially opened.

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ehp hiring

Hiring : Job Opportunities in the Fracking Movement

June 20, 2018

There are opportunities for leaders in the network to find employment working to halt the harms of oil and gas industry. These are both time sensitive opportunities, but they represent…

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Social media fellow feature2

Announcing Social Media Fellowship

May 14, 2018

The Halt the Harm Network serves and connects thousands of people who are working to halt the harm caused by fracking and gas development. The network brings together people from…

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using the FLIR gasfinder camera from Earthworks

Images and Videos from Earthworks’ FLIR Gasfinder Camera

April 11, 2018

We’d love to post these images and videos to say “isn’t this interesting”… but that’s really not the point – We need to learn HOW to use this evidence to…

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What’s new with the network this quarter? Here’s a Q3 Update!

October 9, 2017

What’s new across the network this quarter? Summer’s gone already? It’s time for the third quarter update! It was fantastic to support some great campaign wins and lots of leader…

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Congratulations to this year’s Community Sentinel Awardees!

October 8, 2017

Here’s to ending the week on a high note! We are so excited to share with you all that two of your very own, Halt the Harm Network leaders, have…

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The Citizen Science Toolkit from Environmental Health Project

Become a Citizen Scientist now! Free Toolkit

September 20, 2017

Check out the new Citizen Science Toolkit by @EHPinfo now! #EHPCitSci

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HHN Tabling

Want to Improve Your Organizing Skills?

August 17, 2017

One thing that’s been effective with our network is webinars. This format has allowed parts of our network to share information, teach each other, and even strategize together from a…

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No raids, no KKK, intersectional justice shows the way

August 4, 2017

Fighting the harms of fracking and gas development is not just an endeavor to fight where the steel pipes get placed or where holes are opened to the ground. Fighting…

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frac sand mining

Webinar: Frac Sand Mining – Fracking’s Hidden Connection to America’s Breadbasket

July 25, 2017

Among those familiar with fracking, many are not as familiar with frac sand mining — the process by which industry removes, excavates, and processes silica sand for hydraulic fracturing across…

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